Hello Everyone,
I would like to introduce myself.
I used my picture from school since I am usually on the picture taking side of the camera. I am 46 years old and live in the Middle Atlantic portion of the United States. I currently have two jobs, my first and true love is teaching. Currently I teach fourth grade at a local Catholic School. At my second job I work as a customer service representative for Lenox Corporation.
I have been sponsoring children through CI for the past 20 or so years. My first sponsored child was from Columbia, she left the program after three years because her parents found a better job in an area outside of the CI service area. I still remember that her favorite thing was to see the street sweeper come through her neighborhood. That sticks with me because I like to watch that truck come through my neighborhood as well.
Presently I sponsor four girls (including Paola). My other three girls are all from Ecuador. First there is Josselyn, she is 10 years old and we have the same birthday. Next there is Jenniffer, she is 11 years old and her birthday is in May. My third child is Ashley, she is 10 years old and her birthday is in November.
I am blessed to be part of two GREAT groups so passionate about sponsorship, the CI newsgroup and this group.
P.S. If you haven't guessed, purple is my favorite color so I REALLY LOVE our picture of PAOLA! :-)


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