Visit, July 2009 – Tuesday Touring

Whenever I visit Mexico, I always seem to find myself at a Sandra Bullock movie. This trip was no exception.

Mike and I weren't sure what to do with ourselves on Tuesday. I had planned to go clothes shopping for Paola (after having a chance to eyeball her size), but after learning that the CI office was not accessible to drop off the packages, that idea had to be nixed.

We decided to kill the day on one of those hop-on-hop-off bus tours, which we were able to catch near the Cathedral. After examining the brochure, I saw that they offered both a Red Line and a Blue Line tour, and I was only interested in taking the longer "red" one. As Mike and I purchased our passes, we were issued red wrist bands. "Good," I thought, "we were automatically assigned to the Red tour." People were loading themselves onto a waiting bus, so we followed suite, finding seats on the open upper deck. As the tour commenced, I tried to follow along with the map in the brochure as my guide. I was confused and lost … but all became clear once I realized that we were on the BLUE tour. Whoops. The color of everybody's wrist bands was just a coincidence – the random color of the day.

After a bored and restless two hours on the Blue Line, we looped back around to the Cathedral where we were able to switch to the Red. There was a certain stop I wanted to get off at, because I knew that some geocaches were located in that area. Unfortunately, the place (Sunshine Plaza, I think it was) didn't come until near the end of the tour.

Midway through the tour, the bus stopped and the driver told us he would be taking a 15 minute break before we continued. Mike and I ducked into a mini-grocery store to buy drinks … and that is where my husband saw the sunglasses rack from Hell.
It was bright outside, so Mike wanted to shade his eyes. So, in typical obsessive-compulsive fashion, he began trying on different pairs of glasses. When he finally settled on which he liked best, he started to fret over the price and couldn't decide if the shades were really worth the investment. Of course, by the time we left the store (with the glasses) our bus was long gone.

Rather than wait 45 minutes for the next one, Mike and I walked a few blocks down to a shopping mall with a movie theater inside. The next feature showing in English happened to be "The Proposal" … starring Sandra Bullock … again. It actually wasn't so bad, as far as romantic comedies go. The theater was pretty dark, though, and Mike's sunglasses weren't all that necessary.

Eventually, we got back onto the tour bus and found both the geocaches. We also took a bunch of photos with Stanley, my traveling stuffed monkey – including one outside of the Guadalajara Zoo. I didn't want to bring him out in front of Paola and her sisters, because it's not nice to play with toys in front of children unless you're willing to give them the toys to keep.

In the continuing saga of Mike's sunglasses …

First, he forgot that he even had them.

When he found them in his backpack, one of the lenses had popped out.

As soon as he got the lens re-affixed, the sun vanished and it began to rain.

Finally, the glasses fell from where he'd hooked them to his belt, and were never seen again.

After the bus tour finished, we proceeded to … to … I don't know. That's the problem with writing blog posts eight months after the actual event - I forget stuff.

The Tour Bus

"La Propuesta"

Stanley at the Zoo

Storm Sets in Over the 'Other' Cathedral


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