July 09 Visit, Part 6 - "Fun Stuff" List

July 09 Visit, Part 6 - "Fun Stuff" List

I really wanted to get dolls for Paola and Tomasa (I still didn't know that Maria was something more than a squalling bundle of blankets), but the toys at Wal-Mart were SO expensive! I probably would've forked over the money if the store sold anything besides blond, blue-eyed cupids in bright pink packaging. I wasn't willing to take out a second mortgage on my house to give a kid a doll that looked nothing like her and her family! Another thing for the mail, I guess.

Here is a picture of the toys and other frivolous items that I found at Waldo's, or brought from home:

Itemized List:

1 Coloring book

2 Paint-with-water books

1 Disney sticker book

1 Barney story book (in Spanish)

1 Pack of markers

1 Pack of paintbrushes

1 Box of crayons

2 Colorful Rubix cubes

2 Pairs of flip-flops

2 sets of hair barrettes

4 Head bands

3 Teddy bears

1 Can of something "fun" that can be sprayed

(I thought it was silly string, but it turned out to be some sort of colored foam - it says right on the can that the stuff is fun, and why would the manufacturers lie?)


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