July 09 Visit, Part 11 - Dozens of Cousins
As I mentioned earlier, Paola lives alongside a large number of extended family members, many of them other children. All of the other kids hanging around were dirty, too, with one exception. 14-year-old Akela was nicely dressed and well groomed, probably because she is old enough to care about her personal appearance and to do something about it herself.
I wish there had been time to be introduced to each person in attendance, and to find out how everybody was related (or not) to Paola. It's possible that some of the people pictured are merely friends and neighbors, but they all acted as though they "belonged".
Mack's Regret #3 - I wish I'd anticipated how many random children would be running around, and had thought to bring some sort of treat to pass out to everybody. I did that in Honduras, so I should have remembered and been prepared to do it again.
I suggested to Marcela that next time we could make plans to take ALL the kids to the zoo, but she got a pained look on her face and shook her head.
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