More Improvements to Paola's home!!!

Our Google Group child, Paola is so loved by all!! Last year, we wanted to set her mother up with a business to bring more income into the home. However, it was determined that a business would not be a good idea because the mother has no schooling. She doesn't know basic math nor how to read and write. Hopefully, there is a program she can get into to learn how to do those basic things at the center. For now, we had to come up with a different way to help. When CI came back with a long list of things that needed to be fixed in the family's home, our group went right to work! The family received a well for clean water, a toilet, a sink, and a new roof! Here is what the field officer wrote on their behalf.

Dear Donor,

Paola is very happy for all that you have done for her and for her family: the well, toilet, washing place, roof. All of that will improve their quality of life greatly. Paola, Tomasa, Mary, and Ms. Rosa thank you for all of the love and attention that you give them. They are happy to know that their are people who worry about those who have less, and that they do something to help them. They say hi and hope that you are fine. May God keep blessing you.


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