Here is the latest that Barbara's contact at CI has heard from the office in Mexico:
"So far, its pending to get the birth certificates of Paola and Tomasa, although our Field Officer has given guide and support to Paola's mom, she hasn't had the time to do what she requires to do personally. The mother has already the birth certificate, but in order to get the birth certificates of her children (Tomasa and Paola) she requires an official ID card. Next Monday, December14th, Paoloa's mom and our Field Officer will get some papers that Paola's mom requires to continue with the process of the birth certificates.
We would also like to request your authorization in order to use the $66.00 USD to build a wall to finish the construction of a well that the family has in their front yard. We haven't realized about this problem because the family had covered it with some pieces of wood. This wall would prevent accidents of anybody may fall down into the well."
The money has been authorized for the wall to be put up around the well, so all is ... wait for it ... well!
Update on Birth Certificates
Labels: home improvements , school